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9 Ways to Take Care of Your Voice

Whisper Room
January 2023
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A healthy voice is crucial for any vocalist to produce clear, powerful, and flexible sounds. It is their primary instrument, and without a healthy voice, they may not be able to perform or record.

Being a professional vocalist requires a big investment of time and energy. So, it is essential to take care of your voice to ensure that you can continue to perform and record for many years to come.

Let's take a look at nine different ways that will help you take care of your voice.

1. Drink Plenty of Water to Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated will protect your voice by keeping the vocal cords lubricated. The vocal cords are two bands of muscle located in the larynx (voice box) that vibrate to produce sound when we speak. When the body is dehydrated, the vocal cords can become dry and inflamed, which can make them less flexible and more prone to injury.

When vocal cords are well-hydrated, they can move more easily and produce sound more efficiently. This can help you prevent strain and hoarseness, and promote clear, healthy vocal production. Adequate hydration also helps to maintain the mucous lining in the throat and larynx, which helps to keep the vocal cords lubricated and reduce the risk of infection.

Drinking water, herbal teas, and fruit juice can help to hydrate your body and keep your vocal cords lubricated.

2. Avoid Foods and Drinks That Can Dry Out the Throat

Certain foods and drinks can dry out your throat and vocal cords. This makes it harder to speak clearly and can cause the voice to become hoarse.

Alcohol is one such beverage that can dehydrate the body and dry out the throat and vocal cords. Similarly, caffeine is a diuretic, which means that it can cause the body to lose fluids, leading to dehydration and drying out the voice.

Dairy products such as milk and cheese can also be harmful to vocal cords. They can increase mucus production, making it more difficult to speak clearly. Spicy foods can also irritate your throat by causing dryness and discomfort.

Consuming large amounts of refined sugar and processed foods can also be harmful to vocal cords. They can cause inflammation in the body, which can lead to vocal dryness and discomfort.

It's important to be aware of how your body reacts to certain foods and drinks, and adjust accordingly. Excessive consumption of any type of food or drink, even healthy ones, can be harmful to your voice. We recommend that you maintain a balanced diet and be mindful of the foods and drinks that you consume, particularly when you have a recording or a performance coming up.

3. Stay Away From Smoking and Second-Hand Smoke

Smoking and second-hand smoke can bother vocal artists because they can cause damage to the vocal cords and surrounding tissue.

The smoke from cigarettes contains a variety of harmful chemicals, including tar, carbon monoxide, and nicotine. These chemicals can irritate and dry out the vocal cords, making them more prone to injury and infection. They can also cause inflammation and swelling, which can make it harder to produce sound and can cause a hoarse voice.

Smoking can also increase the risk of developing voice disorders such as laryngeal cancer and chronic laryngitis. It can also cause long-term damage to the lungs and respiratory system, which will affect the overall health of a voice.

Second-hand smoke, also known as environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), can have similar effects on the vocal cords as smoking.

For a voice actor, singer, or narrator, it's important to maintain healthy vocal cords and overall health. Thus, avoiding smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke is essential.  

A info graph that explain 3 ways to take care of your voice.

4. Exercise Regularly to Help Improve Breathing

Regular exercise can help improve breathing by strengthening the muscles used in breathing and promoting better lung function. When you exercise, your body demands more oxygen, and your respiratory system responds by increasing the rate and depth of your breathing. This increased demand for oxygen causes the diaphragm and intercostal muscles (the muscles between the ribs) to contract more forcefully and strengthen over time.

Additionally, regular exercise can also help to improve lung function by increasing the efficiency of the respiratory system. The lung's elasticity improves, allowing them to expand more fully and take in more oxygen. This can also help to remove carbon dioxide and other waste gases from the body more efficiently.

Exercise can also help to improve overall cardiovascular health, which can contribute to better breathing. Regular exercise can increase the strength of the heart and help deliver oxygen to the body more efficiently.

A info graph that explain 3 additional ways to take care of your voice.

Finally, regular exercise can also help reduce stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety cause the body to tense up, including the chest and diaphragm, and make breathing more difficult. Exercise can help to reduce stress and anxiety and promote relaxed breathing throughout the day.

5. Practice Good Posture

Good posture helps to keep the chest open, the shoulders back, and the diaphragm in the optimal position for deep breathing. When the chest is open, it allows for the lungs to expand fully. This allows you to take in more oxygen to support your voice more effectively. When the diaphragm is in the correct position, it can contract and relax more easily, regulate the breath, and support the voice.  

Additionally, good posture can also help to align the larynx correctly. When the head and neck are in the correct alignment, it can help to keep the larynx in a neutral position. This will help reduce tension in the voice and promote clear, healthy vocal production.

Practicing good posture can help you breathe more efficiently, reduce strain on the vocal cords, and take care of your voice so you can keep doing what you love.

6. Stretch and Warm Up Your Voice Before Performing

Just like any other muscle in the body, the muscles used for vocal production need to be warmed up before use. Warming up the voice can help to increase blood flow to the vocal cords and surrounding muscles. This helps to lubricate the cords and reduce the risk of injury. It can also help to improve the flexibility and range of the voice, making it easier to produce sound.

Stretching the muscles of the face, jaw, and neck can also help to prepare your voice for performance. These facial stretches will help release tension and promote relaxation for speaking movements. Vocal warm-up exercises such as humming, lip trills, and tongue trills can help you loosen up these muscles.

Breathing exercises, such as diaphragmatic breathing, can also help you prepare your voice.

By stretching and warming up the voice before a performance, a voice actor can mitigate the risk of injury, promote proper breathing and reduce vocal tension, and produce clear, healthy vocal tracks.

7. Use a Humidifier to Add Moisture to the Air

The vocal cords are located in the larynx (voice box) and are situated at the top of the trachea (windpipe). The larynx is lined with mucous membranes that protect the vocal cords and keep them lubricated. When the air is dry, it can cause the mucous membranes to dry out and become irritated.

Using a humidifier to add moisture to the air can help to keep the mucous membranes lubricated and hydrated. This can combat the risk of dryness, inflammation, and infection. Humidifiers can also help to reduce the risk of hoarseness and sore throat.

It's important to note that, it's good to use a humidifier to add moisture to the air especially when you are in a dry or heated environment. These conditions can cause the air to be dry and may make it more difficult to speak. Additionally, it's important to clean and maintain the humidifier regularly to prevent the growth of mold bacteria, and other microorganisms that can cause infection.

8. Work With a Voice Coach or Speech Therapist to Improve Your Technique

A voice coach or speech therapist can help to evaluate your voice and identify any issues such as vocal nodules, polyps, or other conditions that may be causing strain or injury to the vocal cords. They can also teach proper breathing and vocal production techniques.

A voice coach or speech therapist can also help you address any other issues that may be affecting your voice. These other issues may be related to stress, anxiety, or another underlying cause that makes your body tense up and breathe/speak uncomfortably.

9. Take Time Off to Let Your Voice Recover

When vocal cords are overused, they become inflamed and swollen. This discomfort makes it harder to produce sound and can cause the voice to become hoarse.

Taking time off to let your voice recover can help reduce inflammation and give your vocal cords a chance to heal. Additionally, taking time off to let the voice recover can also help to prevent the development of more serious conditions such as nodules, polyps, and other vocal cord lesions which can cause permanent damage to your voice.  

It's good to be aware of your body and signs of vocal strain (hoarseness, sore throat, and fatigue) and take time off when necessary to allow your voice to recover. Be careful not to push your voice too hard when it's already tiring, and take breaks frequently when recording or performing.

A info graph that explain 3 more ways to take care of your voice.

The WhisperRoom Experience

“As a result of the broadcast quality output I get from my vocal booth, I am now represented by four Talent Agents and I have produced three Audiobooks available on Audible. Lastly, and most exciting I was selected by Marvel's Audiobook Drama Director to be the voice of Nick Fury Jr.”

Art Dent - Voice Actor, arthurdentvoiceacting.com
Voice Actor
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“My WhisperRoom is a great solution for practicing both acoustic and amplified instruments in my home, without driving other occupants out of the house. The sound response inside is neutral and perfect for recording, and with my small reference monitors, is also great for mixing and editing.

The modular construction made it easy to set up and configure exactly how I wanted my space. The lighting kit, ventilation, and optional window make it very comfortable even in the 6x6 foot room.”

Chris L. - Multi-instrumentalist, NVHMusic
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“I use my whisper room for my private practice audiology clinic. It works perfectly and saved me thousands. Customer service was great!”

Dr. Joni Ruiz - Audiologist, Big Thicket Hearing Aids & Audiology
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“WhisperRoom makes the very best in sound isolation enclosures. We’ve purchased 3 in the past couple of years and will be buying more. Love this product!”

Steve Burrington - Owner & Operations Director, Texas Hearing Clinic
Owner & Operations Director
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“Great experience with WhisperRoom…I’ve been told by multiple people it’s the nicest hearing booth they have ever been in! Would highly recommend!”

Jaclyn Charie - Au. D., Owner & Audiologist, Hearing AuD
Au. D., Owner & Audiologist
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“I bought a WhisperRoom in November. I just opened my practice and wanted a good reliable room for audiologic testing. It came on a pallet and with a friend’s help, we moved it from the pallet to my clinic space. We then built it in about 4.5 hours. I love using this WhisperRoom, it suits my needs perfectly.”

Liz White - Au. D., Owner & Audiologist, Harbor City Hearing Solutions
Au. D., Owner & Audiologist
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“Awesome product. Our patients love the roominess and comfort they feel when using our WhisperRoom booths.”

David Brooks - RHIP,
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“Everything is great! We received the WhisperRoom about a week after placing the order and I put it together myself. I’m loving it and use it almost daily as my home office/studio.”

Adam Mast - Audio & Video Services, Mast Productions
Audio & Video Services
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“An epic WhisperRoom has just been assembled at The Guitar Store at Quimper Sound Records!!! 🤘🔥🔥We still have some finishing touches to make this kickass sound booth perfect! It’s time to set up a demo at The Guitar Store.”

Quimper Sound Records and Guitars
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“Incredibly satisfied! My WhisperRoom vocal booth is revolutionizing my workflow and really impressing my recording clients. And delivery and assembly went very smooth. 10/10 would recommend.”

Zachary Manno - Producer - Engineer - Musician, zacharymanno.com
Producer - Engineer - Musician
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“I recently became a full-time voice actor and the WR is the ‘heart’ of my home studio. I’m in it every single weekday and I simply could not do my work as effectively without it. I have to tell you, the more I use my WR, the more I absolutely love it!”

Todd Stark - Voice Actor, starkvo.com
Voice Actor
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“I never thought a fuzzy big box could be sexy, but it is. It truly cuts out all of the ambient noise that is a must for clean, studio-quality vocals. This is truly the #GoldBar standard in audio recordings. Extremely well built (like a tank) and with the wheel package, I’m able to easily move it around…

A lot of engineering went into this system and I’m extremely proud to own such a coveted, iconic, and industry-standard product, that yells, “Professional” to which, no one can hear me outside of it because of the supreme sound isolation properties that the WhisperRoom has provided. Thank You WhisperRoom for creating this”

Glen - Voice Actor, iglen.com
Voice Actor
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“I’m a musician that lived in a free-standing house for 25 years. When we moved into our current house, with shared walls, all of a sudden I could no longer play at any hour. My neighbors made that very clear!

Thank goodness for the WhisperRoom! Now I’m just getting started at midnight and no one minds a bit. I’m thrilled! The quality of this item is excellent.”

Jay Friedman - Trombonist & Conductor, jayfriedman.net
Trombonist & Conductor
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“Our WhisperRoom has been a great addition to our school! Offering private music lessons to all ages and levels.”

SoCal Jazz Academy
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“Have you ever heard of a recording studio in a library? Sounds like an oxymoron, right? It’s not though, thanks to our incredible WhisperRoom. It keeps all the good vibes inside so that lovely library atmosphere is preserved. Genius!”

New Orleans Public Library - Best Buy Teen Tech Center,
Best Buy Teen Tech Center
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“This WhisperRoom allows me to have the dedicated, professional home studio space of my dreams without interrupting the entire house.

Before the WhisperRoom, I had to schedule time away for the family and work on productions during specific windows of time.

Now I can work on client productions and my own music 24x7x365. With less than 30dB of room noise even with the AC and computers on, production quality has increased and so has creative output! Thanks, WhisperRoom, for having such amazing products.”

Mattimus - Artist - Studio Engineer - Producer
Artist - Studio Engineer - Producer
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“The 4x6 double-wall WhisperRoom is my personal padded cell where I can experiment with tone day and night without disturbing anyone.”

Tom Northnagle - aka ‘Guitar Tom’
aka ‘Guitar Tom’
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“There is no upgrade quite as substantial as a WhisperRoom. A great booth with high-quality Auralex treatment and I’m cooking with fire. Thanks. I love your products.”

Mark Hauswirth - Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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“I’m so excited to finally have my WhisperRoom…looking forward to hours of practice.”

Antonio Hart - Jazz Saxophonist, antoniohartmusic.com
Jazz Saxophonist
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“The WhisperRoom is used as a testing booth for neurophysiological recordings. Inside, participants complete computerized assessments while their brain physiology is passively recorded using an electroencephalogram (EEG)…It has turned out to be a great solution for us!”

James R Houston - Ph.D. Department of Psychology | MTSU
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“Our WhisperRoom is part of what we call the PodLab. The PodLab is a state of art podcasting studio for the students at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga where we’re training the next generation of professional podcasters.”

Will Davis - Award-Winning Instructor, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Award-Winning Instructor
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“With the help of this bad boy, I am finally feeling comfortable singing full-voice in my apartment. In other words, I’m finally practicing again 🖤🖤 It’s been exactly one week since I’ve had it and already my growl is feeling better than it’s ever been 😄😈🤘”

Michele Whitlow - Singer - Songwriter - Musician, michelewhitlow.net
Singer - Songwriter - Musician
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“My radio and digital production students have really enjoyed the WhisperRoom booth (and use it often)! Even in the middle of an active classroom, students are able to record in a nearly silent environment. As for the construction of the booth: under teacher supervision, we had the kids assemble it. Talk about great practical experience!”

Mike Hatch - Radio/Digital Technology I & II, Prosper High School
Radio/Digital Technology I & II
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“The WhisperRoom has transformed our tiny studio into such a functional space. It is such a versatile feature and is used for tracking drums, vocals, guitars, and has even been used for strings, brass, and woodwind instruments. We also recently started using the space to record podcasts too! The WhisperRoom has forever evolved the way that we create content at RPRC!”

Kyle Therrien - President - Producer - Engineer, RPRC, Railroad Park Recording Co.
President - Producer - Engineer, RPRC
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“I’m starting to fall in love. With this setup I can now let out every song idea I’ve been holding onto for years - uninterrupted...”

Muyinza - Artist & Producer
Artist & Producer
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“My WhisperRoom is one of the best investments I’ve made that launched my voiceover career and recording studio business to a higher level!”

Jorge Infante - Voice Actor, jorgeinfante.com
Voice Actor
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“I've had a WhisperRoom (7x7) up and running for about a year now. It easily contains my drums and a mixing rack (single bass, double pedal, 7-piece). It reduces the sound enough to prevent disturbing everyone in the house and at my neighbor's house (only a few feet away)...The experience with the company was wonderful…It's nice to go into a dedicated, professional space and practice or record almost any time of the day or night.”

Kevin Thomason - Drummer
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“It works spectacularly! My clients like the clean voice tracks I'm now able to send, and I like the fact that I can jump and perform voice work without having to shut down all my noisy equipment. Thank you for manufacturing such a fine product!”

Jeff Berlin, KISS 108 Radio
Boston, MA
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