Improve Your Guitar Skills During Lockdown | WhisperRoom, Inc.™

Improve Your Guitar Skills During Lockdown

By: WhisperRoom™

May 6, 2020

close up a man playing a Gibson SG

This is one of the most memorable chapters of our lives as our world and all of humankind experience the crisis.

While we help our countries restrain the spread by staying in our homes, many are left with nothing to do. It feels like the boredom has made us unproductive, but what if we create a meaningful use of the free time that we have? We could emerge as a better and more smoothed guitarist after the lockdown.

Yes, you read it right. Let’s dedicate this lockdown time to improving your guitar skills.

Any guitarist who takes their ability earnestly – be they broad beginners, experts of their craft, or whatever in between – needs to spend time with their instrument. You will not be an expert guitar player without the longing and determination to be one. There are no rapid solutions here.

In this article, we’re going to look at the proper ways to improve your guitar skills during the lockdown.

1. Commit Your Precious Time

Take hold of whatever guitar that might be lying around your house. Pick it up and play whenever it’s convenient. Time is still precious, so use it wisely.

It’s important that you willingly dedicate practice time when trying to advance your guitar playing. It’s not sufficient to strum out accidental tunes while watching television; you must emphasize your playing.

For starters, try to regularly reserve some time to concentrate on playing the guitar. It only takes a few minutes of your day to work on a new skill. As you learn more stuff to play, you’ll find yourself playing for longer a duration of time. You might even lose track of time completely.

2. Set SMART Goals

Most people who don’t grasp their goals fail to attain success because they never set “SMART” goals. SMART goals are very important to help you learn guitar as conveniently and effectively as you can.

You need to be SPECIFIC about what you’re trying to learn, you must know how to make your guitar goals MEASURABLE and know the steps to make them ACTIONABLE. Do not let your goals remain as goals, therefore they need to be REALISTIC and learn to be more conscious about the attention you put into them. Additionally, you need to be TIME-SENSITIVE by setting obtainable deadlines that fit your skill level. The firmest way to become a great guitar player is to set SMART goals and stick to them.

Smart Goals for guitar skills

3. Check Out Online Tutorials

Whether it’s finally getting around to entering an online soloing competition or participating in some of the many online open-mics and songwriting sessions that are springing up, it’s this sense of community, shared experience, and real-world outlets that will breathe new life into your music in difficult times!

4. Explore New Styles

Experimentation has always been one of the best ways to learn something new. The more you stray from your main styles – the better. This is all about acquiring something fresh, challenging yourself, and marching away from your comfort zone. Eventually, you’ll be a better-rounded musician.

If jazz is your thing, then you must also try death metal. If you’re a shredder, give minimalist rhythm guitar playing a whirl. Just study something new!

5. Play Along With Songs You Know

Playing along with songs that you already know is one of the best ways to learn new chords and get a sense of playing with a band. It’s even better if you pick a favorite tune or a legendary guitar riff that you’ve been wanting to learn for years. This will make you feel more intrigued to learn and play more often. Hence, playing your favorite songs will make you fall in love with guitar playing even more.

So set up your playlist, pick the ones you could play or practice and you’ll have a great time with your instrument.

6. Try a New Tuning

This one can unravel a vast quantity of creativity. All the arrangements and hand positions you know or dwell in might vanish, sending you to use your ear and your disposition to play your guitar. Alternate tunings will help improve your guitar skills by giving a completely new perspective on riffs, licks, chords, and scales. This will intrigue you to play in all sorts of new styles that will help you reach a variety of new musical characteristics. You may even create an original sound or your unique style in a new tuning.

7 Alternate tunings courtesy of Music is Win.

7. Practice Your Chord Changes

It’s essential to give attention to your strumming technique and chord changes. Being clever enough to quickly modify and change chords across the neck is necessary to make you become a good guitar player. It helps you establish a more complicated task which will help you ascend to a different level of expertise.

If you reach a point where you can effortlessly move among all the chords you know without an issue, add more chords to further intrigue your arsenal. There are always more chords to learn.

Hand position of a G Major chord on guitar
22 exercises for quick chord changes | LickNRiff

8. Practice Without Headphones

Often, you can hear more precise sounds when playing with headphones on and they’re especially helpful when you’re starting to learn how to play guitar. However, you must also consider practicing the guitar without headphones.

There are instances when inspiring sound can stimulate or produce great ideas and times when you need to block out the world to carry forth something that is concealed. In times of playing quietly with headphones on or with the amplifier cranked up, we give ourselves the chance to adapt to the inconsistent setup of the world. This will help you become more versatile.

9. Write It Down and Chart Your Progress

Track your progress to stay inspired to continue the music lessons that you have engaged yourself in. To achieve this drive of interest, you need to write down the chords you learn for repetitive rehearsals until you learn to master them. Also, it helps to jot down new chords and songs you want to learn to help you have a gradual plan for increasing your skill level.

Final Thoughts

It is not a one-time process to improve your guitar skills. Some of us learn quickly and for others, it takes a little more time. Have fun and try not to get frustrated when you get stuck. Little by little you’re playing will get better as you navigate these uncertain times.

To learn guitar, there is a need for dedication, a love for music, and an inclination towards how music helps you. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that playing music helps you detoxify and allows you to find a remedy during this lockdown struggle.

Music is everywhere. Sometimes you hear it somewhere unexpected, and sometimes, you make it yourself. And that’s more substantial.

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