How to Quickly Learn a New Instrument | Tips | WhisperRoom, Inc.™

How to Quickly Learn a New Instrument

By: WhisperRoom™

March 24, 2021

Man playing saxophone next to a guitar

If you want to pursue music professionally, learning how to play different musical instruments is something that you will have to do during your career. You want to hit the stage and wow your audience with your mastery of playing different instruments. Besides that, learning to play musical instruments enhances your creativity. It also helps you be more confident – a skill you will need for your performance. In addition, you feel more accomplished as you master one musical instrument after another.

However, if you want your music career journey to be up and going at a fast rate, you must learn how to play instruments as quickly as possible. It might sound challenging, but you can do it with the right guidelines and determination.

Here are some tips on how you can learn a musical instrument in just 3 months.

1. Choose an Instrument that Excites You

The journey to learning musical instruments starts with the right instruments for you. While it is good to learn as many as you can, their mastery will depend on how well you resonate with an instrument. Some will be fun and easy while others will be harder for you. Start by experimenting with different instruments and start with the one that excites you the most. It can be easy to put in the effort to learn something exciting as compared to one that you are struggling with. In addition, if it is easier for you, you will be more excited to get started with learning how to play the instrument.

April Keez has some recommendations to help you find the right instrument

2. Set a Goal

Setting goals is a good motivator for anything that you want to achieve in life. This is true for learning a musical instrument as well. The need to achieve a certain goal with the instrument that you are learning will get you up and going until you achieve it. In addition, it will curve a path for you for what you need to do to get there.

For instance, if you are learning how to play the guitar, you can set a goal of playing a song on your loved one’s birthday coming in 3 months. The excitement and the eagerness to see a smile on his or her face will give you the motivation to work harder.

3. Have Fun with Your Own Music

Playing an instrument alongside some music is a good way to learn how to integrate your skills. However, there is nothing as exciting as playing alongside your composition. If you can write a song and can sing, recording your own music can give you the motivation to work harder on your instrument. The thought of playing the guitar or the piano as you sing your original composition is enticing to have you learn the ropes in no time.

Recording a song doesn’t have to be complicated. With your computer, the right software, and VST plugins, you can create a masterpiece that you will love. At Native Instruments, you can get the software and hardware for computer-based audio production that you require. If you are stuck on where to start, you can find all the guidance that you need from the knowledgeable staff.

4. Practice Smarter

Mastering a musical instrument requires repetition. If you want to learn it quickly, then you have to practice it double time. Ensure that you set aside enough time for practice. Make sure that you are doing it in a place with limited distractions so that you can fully immerse yourself in it. If you must use a communal area, plan your sessions for when fewer people are using the facility. When occupying yourself in music practice sessions, some strategies can make your work easier. They include:

Warm Up

Just like an athlete needs to warm up before a game, the same goes when you begin to practice an instrument. Practicing music should be smooth and gradual. So before jumping into hardcore music training, take your time to stretch your body, play some scales, and prepare your mind.

Keep a Diary

Journaling is a useful tool to keep yourself organized and to keep track of your progress. Before or after the practice, you can make notes of your goals and list the activities you want to repeat or include in future practice sessions.

Use a Mirror

Using a mirror might help you monitor your fingers and your overall figure. You will be able to tell if you are keeping your fingers curved correctly and also check if you need to make changes to your body movement.

Record Yourself

One of the best ways to keep track of your work is by recording your practice sessions. Every time you listen to the recording, you can check for the improvements or mistakes you have made. This will make it much easier for you to realize what you should do next and it will make you pay close attention to your rhythm and style.

Practice Every Day

Becoming a pro requires lots of work. The ideal method to learn an instrument is to play something every day. It is better to practice every day for half an hour than two days a week for 2 hours! If you separate your practice hours into short daily training, it can make your progress more rewarding.

An infographic with several tips to help you practice your instrument

5. Learn from the Masters

Learning a musical instrument from scratch can be hard if you are doing it all by yourself. If you have the budget, you can hire a trainer to teach you the steps on how to learn to play an instrument. However, you can also learn from people who have mastered the instrument before you. Their mastery will be a good inspiration for you to get to that level. Moreover, be sure to go with modern musicians. Techniques evolve, so you want to learn the latest and the most relevant of them. In addition, look for online tutorials to get a more close-up demonstration of the techniques.


Every good thing comes after hard work, effort, and determination. If you want to learn to play a musical instrument quickly, you must be willing to invest the three traits into your practice. Most importantly, learning a musical instrument in 3 months starts with the first step. Stop procrastinating and get started right away.

Author: Olivia Feyer

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